miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009

Healthcare Swirl

"Health IT". This has been the dominant theme in health care. This is all that I heard in the glimpses of all the president's interviews yesterday with the major news media stars. This was in the midst of answers to other questions not pertaining to health.

If there was a direct question about health, I surely missed it. Too many other issues were much more important. These were issues we have heard the answers to day after day so much so that these were answers to most of the similar questions asked by different reporters. Health care has been lost in the swirl.

In the midst of overt concern about bipartisanship, economic irresponsibility (taxes, junkets, etc.), war issues, middle class (what about the poor?), and more pork, the health issue has been given a low rung on the ladder. There is much more than "health IT" (information technology), and electronic records in the health care mix.

When will we hear more about health coverage per se? When will we hear more about the pre-presidential national health plan with care for all? As we wait for an HHS director in this swirling storm of economic downturn with job losses (and loss of health insurance) reported daily, I guess it will be business as usual for now.