martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Be Screen Free to Stay Healthy

Studies how less, if any screen time is a healthy way to live.  Today the little and big screen show more negativity especially negative behaviors that promote poor health.  This is too often accompanied by loud talking, ways to promote conflict, and actual repetition of violent, disturbing video to accompany the loud verbalization of the events.  The repetition in short periods of time spurns negative behavior depicted often accompanied by depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, dementia, and many other chronic conditions.

Educating yourself and learning  about things that interest you is the best way to spend screen time.  Modern technology allows for selection of what you want to watch when you want to watch it without commercials,  Screen time should be filled with positive, educational content.  Even if the story is negative, it should be told with facts and without repetitive negative visuals.  Studies show limited screen time, especially for kids, is healthier mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Healthy life line ideas for screen free living:
  • Read more.
  • Be quiet and still in meditation prayer.
  • Add an extra hour of sleep.
  • Listen to music.
  • Prepare three meals daily.
  • Write.
  • Spend more time with family and friends.
  • Enjoy nature daily.
  • Take classes in things you like.
  • Bake favorite desserts.
  • Do different crafts.
  • Volunteer.
Best health!

Healthy Life Lines:  Simple Tips to Improve Your Health

Overmedication Can Cause New Symptoms

Have you noticed how different you feel with the new medication you just filled?  Then you thought it was just you and something new?  The different feelings like forgetfulness, dizziness, sleepiness are getting worse after one week.  Then you think maybe it could be the five medicines your primary care provider added to the other five you were supposed to be taking. How will you be able to tell which one it could be that is dropping your blood pressure so low you are dizzy and near syncope?  It could have been the one that causes arrhythmias which is the one you were given for the dizziness which only occurred after taking the one for diabetes causing hypoglycemia.  What a constant cacophony conundrum!  When you decide to look over the drug information that came with each prescription, you find that all the medication can cause this and some of the other new symptoms you acquired.

Overmedication is one of the biggest unnoticed culprits of new symptoms in many people regardless of age.  Those over fifty are most susceptible to the effects of too many medication.  Treatment such as proper diet, exercise, and other complimentary therapies are often overlooked as part of first line treatment with or without medication. Accuracy of diagnosis is very important before, after, and during treatment.  Treatment of symptoms may or may not help, and lead to more medical maladies. Overmedication accounts for more hospitalizations and primary care provider/ specialist visits than many chronic diseases, but is hardly noted.  Rather than implement a medication as the cause, another is prescribed to treat new diagnoses.

Overmedication should be included in differential diagnosis of many conditions.  Patients are often non-compliant once they feel a medication may be making them feel bad.  This is usually unknown by the primary care provider for patient fear of being labeled "non-compliant".  Then more medication is added.  Know what medication you are taking, why you are taking it, and the side effects it may cause. Best health!

Medicine Disease Effect

sábado, 27 de abril de 2019

Free Prescription: Prayer - Use as Needed

Pray for me. This often forgotten yet basic request is often deferred until times of severe health duress. How effective is prayer in helping heal your illnesses or that of someone else? Combining this with other forms of treatment has proven effective in managing illness, especially chronic disease.

Prayer is considered an alternative health treatment; however, faith healing is the only way to many. Man made medical treatments like drugs and surgery combined with modern technology have overshadowed prayer. Prayer, like many other alternative "natural" treatments, is usually left off the intern and resident training in medical school. Research has shown that many patients pray for their health regardless of religious background, and that is does indeed have healing health benefits.

Praying for oneself as well as being prayed for are effective in staying healthy as well as in healing. The beautiful thing is that you can do it anywhere, anytime without paying any money. No health insurance is required.

Best health!

by J.L, Richardson, M.D., family medicine doctor and author of Patient Handbook to Medical Care: Your Personal Health Guide.

This book provides 112 pages (large print) of health information that will tell you what your doctor should be asking you, telling you, and doing for you - as taught in medical school and used since Hippocrates.