miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2022

Medical Preparation for Stormy Weather

 Be organized and keep it simple.  When preparing for any weather emergency, this is important to do especially when it comes to your health.  Anxiety and uncertainty in this flight or stay adrenaline pumping situation can decrease your awareness of what you really should be doing to stay healthy and safe.  Taking care of yourself is primary to sustain weather hazards. 

These tips will help you prepare.
  • stay well rested 
  • avoid unnecessary distractions
  • know the facts, be present and up to date on storms and emergency preparation by reading and listening to lectures 
  • prepare and check medical provider list to include your primary care doctors including specialists, nearest urgent care community health centers and hospital
  • contact electric company to help with medical provisions like home oxygen should power failure occur
  • contact community emergency services for listing if medical condition requires extra attention
  • prepare food and water stock for two weeks or more
  • freeze water for ice enough to fill two or more coolers
  • keep prescription medication current with adequate supply for two months
  • stay informed with neighbors and community resources
  • get batteries for lights, radio, fans, medical devices like glucometer, blood pressure monitor
  • charge all sources of power for telephones, limit use and keep turned off if not in use
Prepare yourself first, and plan before the storm arrives. Check and update your plan monthly. Stay healthy and safe.  Best health!

Holiday Hypertension Healers

 Make less stress, tolerate even less.

Learn relaxation techniques.

Meditate daily.

Eat heart healthy food.

Exercise at least fifteen minutes or more a day in your best way.

Pursue enjoyable hobbies that you like.

Sleep soundly at least eight hours per twenty-four.

Let love keep you healthy.

Smile a lot.

Pray often.

Own a blood pressure device and /or an application on a phone.

Check your blood pressure at home. 

Give a blood pressure monitor as a gift.

Use positive kindness as daily medicine.

Best health!