lunes, 19 de agosto de 2019

Free Book Read: Audible and Visual Health Literacy

Health literacy is very important.  It is essential in keeping yourself healthy.  Reading is the best way to be health literate.  Reading in itself is an intangible vitamin that should be ingested daily.  

Patient Handbook to Medical Care: Your Personal Health Guide is available to help you with basic health literacy in seeking medical care.  This book is a medical reference book.  It is meant to be read and referred to as needed.  This book may be accessed for free on Kindle Unlimited as a visual read. An audible read is available through BlogTalkRadio as Patient Handbook to Medical Care.

Learn good health.  Be health literate.  Best health!

martes, 6 de agosto de 2019

Doctor's Office Should Enhance Good Health

When you visit your doctor's office you should feel healthy.  The waiting room in the doctor's office is the entry point for most initial patient encounters.  Amidst the unhealthy anxiety often encountered on doctor visits the waiting room should exude good health for each patient that enters.  

Pay attention to the surroundings to see how they make you feel.  You  may have noticed that your blood pressure was twenty or more points higher than before you left home.  Your doctor visit can be more healthy and focused if the waiting room is healthy.  The following are signs of a healthy doctor's office waiting room:
  • No television screen. If there is a television screen, it should be on healthy topics that educate instead of unhealthy loud programs that can increase anxiety, blood pressure, and more
  • Comfortable seating
  • Kind, courteous staff
  • Current reading materials
  • Limited if any cell phone use

If your doctor's office has aromatherapy and offers free ten minute chair massages, this can create a healthier healing haven.  Make suggestions to your doctor on other things that can enhance patient wait times without discomfort and stress.  Best health!