miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

10 Money Saving Medical Tips

10 Money Saving Medical Tips

by J.L. Richardson, M.D.

You are your most important asset. Here are some money saving medical tips to help you during these tough financial times.

1) Keep your health insurance coverage. This is as important as your home and food. Cut expenses elsewhere to keep it in your budget. Let your doctor know if you do not have insurance coverage. Many offer discounts to the uninsured as do other health providers like hospitals and diagnostic centers. Pay for what you need instead of relying on insurance.

2) If you lose your job, get COBRA through your employer. You will have at least 18 months of coverage. You will have to pay for it. It is worth it.

3) Be sure you are up to date on your health maintenance. Get in now for your physical and preventive tests (mammogram, blood tests, eye exam, shots, etc.).

4) Check your medication, prescription and non-prescription. Review these with your doctor to discontinue any you really do not need, and/or can't afford. Let your doctor know if you are unable to afford any of your medication, so other options can be discussed such as drug assistance programs. Research them yourself on the Internet, and by calling or writing the drug company that makes your medication. Remember to include your non prescription medicines in your budget (like cough medicine, stool enhancers, pain relievers, etc.). Talk with your pharmacist.

5) Discontinue unhealthy habits like smoking and excessive drinking. These items cost money and your health.

6) If you are disabled, you can withdraw money from your IRA without paying the penalty and taxes. You may need this money to pay for present or future health costs. It may benefit you more while you are well enough to enjoy it. By the time retirement rolls around, you may not be around.

7) Eat healthy small servings. Smaller portions of healthy food save your money and your health. Remember this when you eat out.

8) Exercise at home. Save your money and time on that gym membership. You can reap the same and better benefits with a home exercise program with or without expensive exercise equipment. Turn on the TV and participate in the fitness shows that are best for you. Exercise DVDs and tapes are a one time expense that can be used again and again. Ride your bicycle, take a walk or jog in your neighborhood. It all counts.

9) Continue your home exams like self breast exams, and self scrotal exams. You may detect something early. There is much controversy about the self breast exam, and it is no longer recommended by some. Common sense tells you that self detection is a smart thing to do.

10) Save money for your health bank. As insurance companies and plans cover less, you will be paying for more for services and premiums. Keep a nest egg for health expenses.

Remember that YOU are your most important asset. Great health is true wealth.

Dr. Richardson is the author of the award winning, Patient Handbook to Medical Care: Your Personal Health Guide.