martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Health Care Recovery

This week President Obama will have a health summit to address our nation's health care recovery. Finally, health care reform is getting the attention it deserves even if it seems to overshadow the economic free fall. I fail to understand why money continues to be given to these losing companies that repeatedly spend it without accountability, and the put their hand out for more...and get it.

I want to see more handouts to the people. Today' Citibank announced an unemployment assistance program to help those without jobs get mortgage assistance to stay in their homes. More efforts like this are needed across the board. Many poor and middle class will benefit from these type programs.

It was great to hear that about $155 billion of Recovery Act funds will go to community health centers. This will provide health care for almost 1 million, and jobs for another 5,000. Funding for each state has already been calculated. At all efforts for health care are made transparent.