viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

Stand Up To Cancer

"Stand Up To Cancer" is the best medical TV event ever! Broadcast simultaneously on the three major broadcast networks at 8 P.M. tonight, this event was magnificently powerful! Much information on cancer cause, early detection, treatment and more was provided throughout the hour. This also included written information in large letters at the bottom of the screen.

TV is a powerful information source, yet used the least for providing basic medical information and news. Hopefully this TV event will set the precedent for more real medical productions, maybe even a commercial free, 24-7 medical channel.

Stand up to cancer! Do your self breast exam. Do your scrotal exam. Do your preventive screening tests ordered by your health care providers. Do it routinely. "Just do it!"

A thorough medical history and physical exam includes the basic cancer screening. Some tests considered for routine cancer screening are:
-mammogram, MRI, sonogram - breast cancer
-PSA (prostate specific antigen) - prostate cancer
-colonoscopy - colon cancer
-stool blood check - colon cancer
-PAP smear - cervical cancer
-complete blood count - blood cancer
-CT or MRI scan - lung cancer, brain cancer, pancreatic cancer
and cancer in other body areas being scanned
-pelvic sonogram - ovarian cancer
-body scan (neck to buttocks and in between) - checks
body for cancer and other medical conditions.

Screening exams and tests save lives. Talk to your doctor. Be sure your doctor goes over the test results with you and explains EVERYTHING! Leave with your questions answered! Be sure to follow up to prevent any delays.

Stand up for cancer!