Behavior modification takes time as most good things do. Studies show that this is a sure way to attain and maintain excellent health. Changing your behavior is safe, inexpensive and free from side effects that you might get from medication. Lifestyle changes that result from behavior modification become habit especially as you feel and see the health benefits.
Exercise and healthy eating are two of the easiest ways you can make your behavior count towards your health. For instance, home preparation of meals makes it easier to select healthy choices. The focus is to eat the proper foods that nourish and heal. Likewise, exercise keeps the body in motion and less susceptible to pain. Walking and stretching benefit the body as much as an expensive gym membership. The more you can do in your home or at your home is probably better. This also provides less stress which is good for mental health.
Give your body and mind what it deserves. Modify your behavior to help yourself attain better health and fitness. Use your free prescription freely.
Best health!