martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Heart Health Check List

Heart disease and high blood pressure are leading causes of many health issues today.  High blood pressure (hypertension) affects about 1 in 3 people worldwide.  Studies have shown that screening and prevention can change this to healthier hearts.  As one gets routine physical check-ups for the entire body, the same should be done for the heart.

Basic check your heart list:
___Heart and vascular exam by health care provider
___Blood pressure*, pulse, weight, height

For further evaluation, especially if symptoms are present, and/ or a strong family history of heart and vascular disease see a cardiologist for more testing.

Tests may include:
___Doppler echocardiogram (checks heart valves, size, etc.)
___Stress test - nuclear, doppler or exercise (heart function)
___Heart MRI scan (artery disease)
___Interventional studies like cardiac catherization, angiogram (checks artery blockage, valves)

Help your heart and overall health with these tips:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Eat healthy small portions.
  3. Exercise regularly - every little bit counts! Just do it regularly.
  4. Keep blood pressure* under control.
  5. Keep stress level low.
  6. Get adequate sleep.
  7. Take an aspirin a day if in a high risk group. Check with your health care provider.

*Add home blood pressure checks to your list.  It will help you and your heart!

Best health!