domingo, 16 de febrero de 2020

Fever and Malaise: Flu or New Disease

Fever. Chills.  Malaise. Myalgia. Loss of appetite.  Cough.  These symptoms are consistent with the flu syndromes such as influenza.  They may also be signs of new inflammatory disease like infection in the body. Cancer and rheumatological disorders that include connective tissue diseases and arthritis may also present in similar fashion. Flu symptoms usually resovle in about ten days to two weeks.  Complications from the flu like pneumonia are likely to cause worsening of symptoms accompanied by new symptoms.

Flu precautions include:
  • frequent hand washing especially after contact with others
  • avoid those who have flu-like symptoms
  • cover your mouth when you cough
  • eat nutritious foods especially those that are specific for immunity and healing
  • stay well hydrated
  • get flu shot before flu season starts

These preventive measures are important for staying well and healing.  If your symptoms persist or worsen in any way follow-up with your healthcare provider that initially diagnosed you. Telemedicine health visits help contact avoidance while getting appropriate medical care for you.  Healthy self care, prevention, and avoidance are primary. Best health!