miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

Morning Hypertension Tension

Tension in the morning can be stressful. Hypertension may be contibuting to this.  It may cause symptoms often associated with starting a new day and all you have to do.  This should  be less stressful than many choose to make it.  Normal blood pressure at this time of day is associated with better health and less comorbidity.  

Hypertension in the morning may start as early awakening, anxiety. headache, chest discomfort, and general fatigue.  Studies have shown heart attacks are more likely to occur this time.  High blood pressure in the morning should be recognized.  Many times it is associated with normal blood presuure for most of the waking hours without symptoms.  

Treatment must be specific for each person.  It is good to begin with simple common sense things like restful sleep, healthy diet, and exercise.  Meditation, yoga, and prayer are beneficial as well as easy to do upon waking up.  Reading books and watching instructional videos is an easy, inexpensive way to learn.  As these are made routine, stress reduction is also enhanced.  

Maintaining a healthy weight and BMI are important as well.  Foods specific for cardiac health like beans, greens, and grains are very beneficial. Lack of response to these may indicate a need for medication especially if blood pressure is elevated more than four hours upon and after awakening. Specific herbs and supplements may also be added.

Home blood pressure checks remain beneficial for keeping track of daily blood pressure measurements.  A record of these should be kept along with notes on present activity and treatment.  After two weeks or sooner, you will be able to see patterns, and what is working.  Continue your hypertenson diary for at least three months or longer.  It will become apparent what you can do to keep a normal blood pressure without symptoms and hypertension tension.  Best health!