martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Zapping Zika to Zero

The Zika virus is here. This Aedes species mosquito-borne flavivirus continues across the Americas.  Zika is spread primarily by mosquito and/or sexual transmission.  In pregnant females it may be transmitted to the fetus and infant. Blood transfusion transmission has also been a cause.  Known new cases are reported almost daily.  States and U.S. territories with the most reported infections are Puerto Rico (primarily unrelated to travel), New York, Florida, Texas, California, and Pennsylvania

Common symptoms include fever, rash, conjunctivitis, joint and muscle pain.  They have been described as flu-like and mild lasting up to one week.  This usually occurs within 1-2 weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito or having sex with someone who carries the virus.  The symptoms, travel history, and living in specific infected areas help make the diagnosis.  Blood and urine tests for Zika confirm the diagnosis.  Screening asymptomatic individuals is not recommended at this time.  Major complications include Guillan-Barre syndrome, fetal defects (microcephaly, hearing loss, eye defects), delayed infant growth, and pregnancy loss  Treatment is much the same as flu including rest, fluids, and analgesics.  The vaccine is in experimental stages as are Zika anti-virals.

You should protect yourself from Zika virus as much as possible. This includes the following:
  • stay indoors (better with air conditioning) as much as possible especially during early evening, night, damp/rainy days
  • wear long sleeves, long pants in light colors
  • avoid highly scented perfumes, lotions, soap
  • use insect repellant (e.g DEET, oil of lemon eucalyptus, picardin, essential oils like basil, catnip, lavender, neem) on exposed skin, permethrin on clothes (or wear permethrin treated clothing)
  • use insecticide yard spray, citronella incense/ candle products liberally around your home when outside (if inside use fogger or spray made for indoors)
  • plant mosquito repelling plants in yard like geraniums, lemon balm, citronella
  • use mosquito netting over stroller, carriers, outdoor venues (over beds if open area to mosquitos)
  • keep windows, doors screened or closed to prevent mosquito entry
  • avoid local areas that have yet to spray insecticide especially if a known endemic area
If bitten by mosquito apply cool compress and rubbing alcohol to areas involved.  If itching persists, try calamine lotion or topical diphenhydramine to areas.  Severe allergic reactions may require professional attention in the emergency department.  If Zika is suspected, see your healthcare provider or go to your local health department as soon as possible.  Zap Zika!  Best health!