sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

High Blood Pressure Home Remedies

Treating hypertension with lifestyle changes that promte good habits is key to staying 120/80, the normal blood pressure reading. Of course, maintainimg healthy weight for your height, eating the right foods, regular exercise, limited alcohol intake, avoidance of cigarettes and severe stress help. If these things fail to keep you 120/80 then you will need blood pressure medication prescribed by your primary care physician or cardiologist.

Many regimens start with a diuretic ("water pill") either alone or combined with any other medication groups like beta blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and more. Many of these have lots of side effects as well as create new medical problems (e.g. diuretics can cause loss of potasssium resulting in cramping, heart rhythm abnormalities; beta blockers can cause bradycardia, exacerbate asthma, COPD). When used in combination this can worsen. Home remedies may offer healthier and safer treatment.

Some high blood pressure home treatments include:
- honey and onion juice in equal amounts equal to 2 teaspoons daily
- garlic clove daily
- foods: fruits esp banannas, oranges, apples, watermelon. papaya; fish (less
red meat; vegetables especially carrots, spinach; whole grains; low fat
- apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons daily
- aloe vera
- tea (black, green, hibiscus)
- coconut water ("noelani")

Many of these remedies also help other maladies, but more importantly they are natural, wholesome and inexpensive requiring no prescription. Remember to also halt the salt!

Best health!