miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Why Screening Tests Are Important

Screening tests save lives. Talk to your doctor and do your own research on tests you need and how often. What the guidelines suggest and what you need nay be different.

Common screening tests for women include:

1. mammogram/ MRI for breast cancer
2. PAP smear & HPV test for cervical cancer
3. stool check for blood (fecal occult blood test, FOBT; colonoscopy, baseline at 50
for colorectal cancer
4. cardiology doctor for cardiovascular prevention(get EKG, ECHO, and thallium
stress test if indicated)
5. bone density scan to check for osteoporosis
6. counseling for smoking cessation, alcohol/drug dependence, and domestic violence
7. evaluation for depression and other mental disorders if necessary
8. complete physical exam, and routine blood tests

Common screening tests for men include same as above except mammogram and PAP smear.

Be sure your doctor goes over the test results with you and explains EVERYTHING! Leave with your questions answered! Be sure to follow up with your doctor to prevent any delays.

Get a copy of your test results. That way you will know if you were told everything and that the information is accurate. Research your results and diagnosis. Things you don't understand, ask again. Getting a second (and sometimes tiebreaker third because you were told different things by each doctor!) opinion is a reasonable research tool, also.

Patients must be their own advocate and take charge of their health. Health maintenance and prevention are so important to one's quality of life. Make it an important part of yours!