lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

Health Insurance Update

Health insurance companies are overcharging again! Treatment for medical illness that helps patients is consistently ignored and unapproved. Paying an additional $360 per month to get what you need in addition to your $1000 monthly premium is obtusely extreme. Many drugs used have potential for serious life threatening complications, yet health care providers continue to be pill pushers ignoring reports of better results with alternative treatments. The cost of the medicine may be one-fourth the price in dollars and more deadly, but it is the approved standard of care.

Earnings for the health insurers poured in recently revealing huge profits, earnings, and executive compensation packages. A good chunk of patients' health insurance premiums surely helped this cause as well as that of the lobbyists and uninsured. Health care reform measures that may help patients insurance costs will not kick in for who knows how long - anywhere from one year to four years or more. The patient will be unable to dodge the bullet shooting another increase because it was a fact before health care reform was more than radar blip on the national agenda.

How much longer will patients be ignored and treated so casually by the very people who are supposed to be helping them, healing them, taking them from cradle to grave in a dignified manner?

How much longer will patients be forced to suffer in silence and pain from their diseases while drug companies and health insurance entities continue to prosper in such an adverse environment?

How much longer will patients have to choose between a meal or a pill?

by J.L. Richardson, M.D

Author of Patient Handbook to Medical Care: Your Personal Health Guide

Read excerpts on google Books