viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

Healthcare Reform Changes Due Date?

When will the health care changes occur? Why have we ceased hearing about everyone having access to the same health plan as the President and Congress as promised during their campaigns?

My insurance premium has risen over $100 per year in the past 5 years and is now almost $900 per month! I have COBRA. The President says those with COBRA will get lower premiums. Will this be retroactive as well?

Should I consider dropping my insurance vs. seeking a new insurance? Unavoidable pre-existing conditions pose a problem no matter what. The President says this will cease.

By the time a health care bill is approved, I fear my insurance premium will have skyrocketed beyond my ability to pay. Mind you this does not include any other medical costs like prescriptions, treatments prescribed by my doctor that the insurance company does not cover, co payments, over the counter medication/ supplies, etc.

P.S. As a doctor, please let me dispel the myth that we (and nurses) are "paid too much". Today doctors finishing medical school entering residency are in debt at least $50,000 to $100,000 or more. Residency training barely pays enough to cover monthly living expenses.

by J.L. Richardson, MD, family medicine doctor and author of Patient Handbook to Medical Care: Your Personal Health Guide, the book that helps you take care of your most important asset - YOU!