miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Medical Marijuana

Medicinal uses of marijuana prove beneficial to patients especially those with cancer, pain, AIDS, MS, glaucoma, and many more chronic non terminal illnesses. Like so many forms of alternative and complimentary medical treatments, it has been viewed with lots of controversy and skepticism because studies have also shown it to be harmful. Is this unlike any other medicine that is legal? Really, no.

As controversial as it may be, it is legal in some states for medicinal use. How can this be fair? Who gets to decide who gets a cannabis prescription to "take as directed whenever for whatever"? The state of Ohio is currently considering the Ohio Medical Compassion Act which would legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. The title of the act itself is a testament.

Other things to consider in making marijuana legal: decrease drug related crimes; decrease money spent on drug crimes; give farmers a moneymaking crop (as pot and hemp).

If it were legal and taxed, it would be a high healing crime reduction money maker.