viernes, 20 de enero de 2023

Your Health Plan: Maintain Good Health

Start your day out in good health.  Make self-improvement and healthcare maintenance your first priority.  When you do this, you will find that good health is worth it.  Each person has a different level of good health and should do their best to stay as healthy as they can be.  When you take care of yourself with proper nutrition, rest, and other good health habits, it is less likely illness will occur.

Poor health costs more than feeling poorly.  The extreme high money cost can add to that.  In addition, limits on certain coverages like three pints of blood, and $50,000 lifetime maximum on some health services especially for those with chronic diseases and pre-existing conditions, are likely to slow progress of getting better if illness occurs while you wait a year or save more money.  It is important to focus on preventive medical services as well as positive healthy lifestyle for early disease detection and diagnosis can lead to prompt treatment.  This is why self-care health helps pay for good health and more financial stability.

Your health is your responsibility.  Be dedicated to good health.  Make healthy self-care a daily habit.  Best health!

domingo, 1 de enero de 2023

New Year Resolution: Make Mental Health Primary

Good health includes mental health.  You can be healthier without anxiety and depression that diminishes good mental health.  This is so important in the formative years.  It is during this time of infancy and childhood that mental health starts developing.  During this time, it is important that good healthy things are happening.  Children need love and care all the time, but in these years much more is medically necessary.  This is important for healthy mental development.

Today's anxiety provoking atmosphere promote poor mental health especially in schools.  School attendance should be a pleasant, safe experience fit for learning. The mind needs this to learn and develop.  Today schools are "forced" to counter arm with physical enforcement measures to prevent unhealthy armed attacks.  This is far from the ideal learning environment for teachers and students as is thinking about this all day at school.  Good healthy thoughts and actions are indicated to prevent school dropout, substance abuse, suicide and more.

Mental health for adults and children must be healthy.  More school mental health programs would be healthier than any type of violence or tools thereof.  Today's youth are diagnosed with mental health (anxiety, depression, ADHD primary) issues at average age of 14 or younger. The stress associated with going to school and learning is plenty without any distractions, or unhealthy behaviors. 

Healthy suggestions include healthy behavior in the home.  The family is vital to maximizing mental health.  Seeking professional health for each family member as well as the family can help.  Absence of unhealthy, harmful behavior is necessary.  Decrease watching any programs on any platform with violence (even cartoons, video games) and persistently negative behavior.

Healthy thoughts and actions are indicated versus negative, unhealthy unrewarding behavior.  Maximize mental health with goodness for less anxiety, depression and unhealthy feelings. "Don't worry about a thing.  Every little thing is going to be alright." Best health!