viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Family Health: Guide Yourself to Quality Healthcare

Consumer demand, new drugs and medical technologies, litigation, higher insurance premiums, and other factors have all been fueling rising healthcare costs. At the same time, many patients justifiably feel that medical services have become increasingly impersonal. Too often, quality attention from the proverbial family doctor has been replaced by the “assembly line” approach of faceless bureaucracies. How is a patient to successfully navigate this modern maze of providers, specialists, insurers, and so forth and at the same time get the attention they need to maintain personal (not to mention financial) health? 

Patient Handbook to Medical Care: Your Personal Health Guide
offers an overview of the healthcare system from a different point of view and advises patients on how they can take their health into their own hands by becoming both informed and proactive.

As Dr. Richardson eloquently puts it:

In our society we are accustomed to taking a doctor’s word on the state of our medical condition and treatment whether or not we understand it and either without asking any questions or without getting adequate answers to the questions we might pose. Today that might not be a healthy situation. It is necessary to be informed to get the most from your health plan and to get the best medical care from the medical resources available in the healthcare system. By reading this book, you will find out how to take charge of your most important asset—you.

This philosophical perspective is that the patient, insofar as it is possible, needs to take charge of his or her health care self care. 

The book is structured in a logical, reader-friendly manner, providing overviews of all the major topics related to healthcare, from effective record keeping to obtaining quality health coverage.
The first step toward taking charge of your health is keeping accurate medical records and a medical diary. Patients are offered a detailed overview of how their doctor visit should go educating readers about all the various aspects of a routine physical or checkup.  Patients will recognize whether they are receiving quality, comprehensive care, and will know what they should be getting.  The core philosophy is that knowledge offers patients more health options and better health.  Subsequent chapters educate patients about the importance of preventive checkups, common medical tests, the various kinds of doctors and specialists, and healthcare quality.

Patient Handbook to Medical Care: Your Personal Health Guide is essential knowledge in an easy-to-assimilate large print format bound paperback book (adjustable print on e-books). Readers will walk away from the book with a much clearer idea of what to expect from the healthcare system, and what to do to ensure the preservation of their own health.  Best health!

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Family Health: How to Keep Your Health History

Your medical history is the cornerstone of your medical record.
Use it to keep up with your health. Update your medical history often especially as new treatment plans and healthcare issues arise.  Copy and complete the following assessment to keep up with your family's health and medical history. 




DATE OF BIRTH_____________________________


INSURANCE COMPANY___________________

INSURANCE ID #________________________

PHONE______________   FAX__________________












DIAGNOSES & MEDICAL CONDITIONS (include year diagnosed)


SURGERY/ OPERATIONS (include year done)


MEDICATIONS (list prescription, over-the-counter, foods, herbs
also write dosage and how often taken)


PAST MEDICATIONS (list anything you have taken and stopped – note why it was stopped)



FAMILY HISTORY (list medical conditions in family members – list ages, list if deceased and reason)







BROTHERS __AGES_________



GRANDMOTHER (Mother’s mother) AGE__________LIVING: YES___NO___


GRANDMOTHER (Father’s mother)  AGE__________LIVING: YES__ NO___


GRANDFATHER (Mother’s father)    AGE__________LIVING: YES___NO___

GRANDFATHER (Father’s father)    AGE___________LIVING: YES___NO___


OTHER RELATIVES (list any more sisters, brothers, great grandparents, etc. especially those with medical conditions)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


OTHER MEDICAL TREATMENTS (list any other treatments like prayer, massage, chiropractor, exercise, physical therapy, etc.)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Home:  lives alone___ 

             lives with family___

             lives with friend____

             lives in facility_____facility name, address____________________year moved in____________

Marital: Single___Married____Divorced___Widow/Widower_____

Use of cane___ walker___ wheelchair___prosthetic_____


Alcohol consumption: 

   How many times per day/week/year?________________

   How much per drink?____________________________

Cigarette use: Yes___ No___

   How many per day?________

   At what age did you start?_______

Sexual:  Are you active? Yes___No___

Drug use: Yes___ No___






Use extra page to list any other medical history



lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Your Choice: Medication or Food?

As health care costs rise everyone is looking for ways to save and cut costs. Recent studies and polls reveal that many are foregoing their medicine for other necessities of life like food and shelter.  Patient compliance has dropped to a new low.  Patients are taking their medication as needed when their budget allows.  This means less to none on a daily basis. Many are finding this indeed saves money, and possibly affects their health outcome minimally.

As food is the sustenance of life, many are making healthier choices.  This helps their medical maladies as well.  For hypertension and diabetes proper food choices can often alleviate the need for “stronger” treatment with medication. As more patients learn about dietary management and adhere to it, they find that they can indeed save money.

Talk to your healthcare provider if you are noncompliant with your medication because of the cost, or side effects that may cause other conditions requiring more medication, more money.  Be sure to get formal diet and nutrition counseling.  This will help make the right choices when you shop for food.  Contrary to popular myth, healthy food is actually affordable.  Shop smart to save your money and your health!